How parents and caregivers communicate with children in relation to stressful situations will have a direct impact not on just how children feel, but how they build resilience going forward.
Dr Mary Anne Hall from EPEC Education provides 6 tips below for talking to your kids about the Coronavirus.
1. Don’t be afraid to discuss the Coronavirus.
Children will be hearing information from both friends and the Internet. You may be their only source of reliable information on this topic.
2. For pre school age and under, it is important to keep your tone light and calm. For children who are no longer attending child care, you need to explain it in a way they will understand. “You need to stay home with Mum and Dad right now as there are extra germs around”; “Being home with Mum and Dad is the safest place for you now, but soon all the silly germs will be gone and you’ll be able to go back to School/Kindy/Daycare, and see your friends again”.
3. For lower grade primary school children, keep information brief and simple.
“Remember the last time you had a cold? This is kind of like that”; “Remember, doctors and nurses are all working hard to keep us safe”.
4. Higher grade primary school children will require more accurate information.
Highlight to them what measures their school and family unit are taking to keep them safe. It is important to always be available to your child, even if you do not have all the answers. “While I might not have the right answers to your questions right now, I will tell you when I do”.
5. For high school children, refer them to credible sources of information.
Let them know that what they read on the Internet is not always accurate. Provide reassurance while providing clear and honest information. “I am always here to talk if you need me”; “Scientist are busy working on a vaccine”.
6. Keep the lines of communication open.
Focus on what your family is doing to stay safe.
Children will feel more in control and reassured if they are taking actions to keep themselves healthy. Incorporate self care routines such as hand washing and general cleaning into family routines and make sure the children are involved in this.
For more strategies on helping children cope emotionally with the Coronavirus, you can access our COVID-19 Webinar