Through my eyes - EPEC student Rebecca talks Childcare

Dr Mary Anne Hall • May 8, 2018
Do you work in the childcare industry?

Yes, as an assistant educator in a long day care centre. 

What is the best thing about working with children?

Watching children learn and grow and being a part of developing the future generations. 

Have you always wanted to work with children?

Yes, since I was in high school.

Any tips for juggling work and study commitments?

Even if you only have an hour to study. Just get started small progress is better then none. 

What advice would you give to other students thinking of studying?

Always remember to ask your peers for help if you get stuck.

Do you have any study tips to give to other students thinking of studying?

Sometimes its nice to sit outside and study. 

A bit about Rebecca 

I’m 23 years old, and I live in Toowoomba. I have worked with children for almost 5 years. In my spare time I volunteer with Rosie’s- friends on the street. 
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